El Divisadero Iglesia Del Nazareno – Jalapa, Guatemala

In 2016, I traveled with my church, Three Rivers First Church of the Nazarene to El Divisadero Iglesia Del Nazareno, Jalapa, Guatemala and photographed the following pictures.  From fund raisers put on by the church, we were able to contribute to materials for a concrete floor for the church and installation of electricity.  The congregation had been worshiping without both since the building of the church a few years earlier.  After school let out, the local children would wander over and find something to do to help. We mixed concrete in huge piles on the ground with water carried from the Rio Jalapa in barrels, the same water used by the locals for daily us.  Behind the existing structure were old clay brick wall which we had to tear down to make room for the building of new Sunday School rooms.  The last couple of days, we had Vacation Bible School for the children, but what was amazing and fun to watch were all the parents who participated in the activities along with the children.  Sweet people I probably will never see again on this earth, but I will never forget them.  Enjoy looking through the photos.


Guatemala City, Guatemala

School in El Divisedaro


The Church Bathrooms

See! I was there!
The Pastor
It's a sad sight, but the people of the area are poor and as a result, dogs like this can be seen in the area.
Local Animals
Sweet Faces!
Michelle and I are preparing for the daily Vacation Bible School



